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The Jewels & Gems Blog

A Beginner's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones

A Beginner's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones


How do I select my crystals? How do I pick my crystal jewelry? What should I do once I've brought them home? Should I wash my stones? And how can I get my crystal necklace to support me with my life?

Have you just discovered our site and wish to learn more about crystals and energy healing? Perfect! We created this guide for those of you who are brand new to the crystal world, interested in gemstones and need help getting started or just a little bit of guidance along the road.


So, where do you begin? How can you tell which crystals are right for you? How should you consider about buying crystals if you don't know anything about them? When looking for crystals, keep the following two points in mind.

1- What particular stone draws your attention when you look at crystals, whether in a local brick and mortar shop or an online store? Which one(s) do you get hooked on as you browse through the rocks? Indeed, there's a reason you're drawn to these. They have something to convey to you that is relevant to your current situation.

2- Feel for what you are seeking for and what you seek more of in your life right now. For example, if you are looking for more confidence and inner-strength in your life, look for a crystal that holds these qualities. If you wish to make new life goals, browse through the characteristics of the stones to discover one that matches with this energy.

Trust your gut feeling and select the gems that either chose you or those you feel you require in your life!

We've curated just for you a beautiful Must Have Crystal Kit as well as the brand new Good Vibes Crystal Kit, both of them are ideal for any crystal lover just getting started. These kits hold crystals that we believe are perfect to begin with!


When you receive gems or crystals from us, it is a good idea to begin with purifying them. We do this to cleanse the crystal from old stagnant energy from its previous location or from the many hands that held it. Here are easy ways to clean your crystals at home.

You may cleanse them by immersing them in cold running water. You can also create a small bath in a sink for your crystals and add a little Himalayan salt for extra cleansing. You can also cleanse your crystals in the water of a river or the sea if you wish.

Please note: Some crystals and minerals should not be in contact with water otherwise they can get damaged (ie. Selenite, Pink Selenite, Tourmaline, Labradorite, Malachite...). Please refer to our blogpost about crystals that are NOT water-safe.

The Moon
Exposing crystals and stones to the moonlight is a common method used to purify them, especially during the full moon. After soaking your crystals, lay them out on a blanket or sheet and leave them outside if possible. You can also leave them indoors on a windowsill overnight to be cleansed by the moonlight. 

Incense and dried herbs
Place your crystals on a towel made of natural fibers, ignite some incense or dried herbs, and draw circles around your crystals. The smoke uncovers heavy negative energy trapped in the crystal and allows it to be removed.


Once your crystals have been cleansed, it is time to program them and give them a purpose by telling them what you wish to be supported with. Setting an intention is how you can program your crystal and give it a "job". An intention functions like a magnet, allow your crystal to be imbued with your goal or desire and become a talisman acting as a physical reminder in your day to day life.

All crystals have distinct properties and meanings, so select one that matches your desire. For example, if you wish to create an intention to bring more prosperity and abundance in your life, you can work with Jade, Citrine, Peridot or Pyrite. Choose some Larimar, for example, if you wish to create an intention around serenity and inner-peace.

How to do it:

Hold your crystal in your palm, close your eyes to ground and re-center yourself, take a few deep belly breaths to connect within, and charge the crystal with your goal. Ask in your mind or out loud that it assist you with whatever you wish to receive assistance with.


It is easy to forget yourself between laps in our daily lives, and when you do, you vibrate at a lower frequency, so by returning to your programmed crystal, it is a great way to help you recall your desire, your potential, and make you come back to the present moment mindfully. Crystals are not just pretty, like everything in this world, they also hold a vibration that we can harness, so feel free to experiment with using your crystals in everyday life to discover what feels right and what works for you. At Jewels & Gems, we absolutely love having crystals around the house, at work, in our bags and pockets, but mostly as jewelry.

Crystals and gemstones have the most impact on us when they are in our energy field, so make sure you have your programmed crystals around you for extra support (this is where wearing crystal jewelry can be particularly powerful).

Pick up the crystal in your palm, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to connect with the stone's vibration when you need to reconnect with yourself and your desire. Wishing you the best of luck with your new gems! You've got this!


And don't forget to follow us on Instagram!

Shop our range of crystal jewelry by clicking here.

Check out our Youtube channel for more mystic related content!

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Moon Water - How and Why To Make Your Own

How (And Why) To Make Moon Water & Ways To Use It

Moon Water - How and Why To Make Your Own

Full moons are moments of great culmination. And moon water is a technique for amplifying that energy even more. Here's a step-by-step instruction to making it and utilizing it during the next full moon.

What is moon water?

Moon water, as the name implies, is just water that has been exposed to the full moon's light and absorbed part of its power.

Humans' fascination with the moon is not new, but the actual origins of moon water are unknown. According to research, the tradition of creating moon water has its roots in witchcraft and has been prevalent since at least the 1800s.

Moon water is wonderful to work with whether you're interested in the moon or just want to spice up your next ritual. Indeed, moon water can be created at any phase of the moon but it is merely thought to be most strong with the full moon.

There is one occasion when you don't want to brew moon water though: during a lunar eclipse. Eclipses are gloomy and unlike the Full Moon their energy is not associated with manifestation work and might reveal our darkness, therefore they are a moment to release rather than harness.

How to make moon water?

1. Select a container and fill it with water.
Fill a glass jar halfway with water, ideally fresh rainwater. If you have a specific aim or goal in mind that you want to materialize with the moon, you may have some fun by selecting a container that suits your intention. If you intend to drink your moon water, be certain that the water you use is safe to consume. If you choose, you may leave your jar open, but having a lid or cover will keep the water clean. (The moon can still get there!)

2. Locate a location with direct moonlight.
Place the jar of water on your patio, windowsill, or wherever else it will be exposed to moonlight.

3. Recite a prayer or an affirmation.
Take a time to consider how you intend to use this moon water. Set an intention for your full moon ritual by saying an affirmation or prayer over the jar. When making intentions, it's also a good idea to consider the full moon's zodiac sign in order to work with the energies of the current cycle. For example, if you have love-related aspirations, consider a Taurus or Libra full moon to boost your manifestation. Work with the Capricorn full moon to boost your career and long-term success or the Cancer full moon to work with home or family-related intentions.

4. Add some crystals and stones.
You may charge the water and give it an extra boost by placing your favorite crystals on top of the jar for more amplification. Clear quartz, selenite, and moonstone are all excellent stones for cleansing energy and enhancing intuition.

5. Leave for the night.
Once everything is in place and your purpose is established, simply leave the jar overnight in the moonlight, and it will be ready to use in the morning! As easy as that.

What to do with moon water?

Moon water is a wonderful technique to alchemize energy, and there are several applications for it. Here are some of our favorites:

★ To cleanse crystals, the full moon, as well as moon water, are excellent for recharging and purifying your crystals (just be careful, because certain crystals don't mix well with water). 

★ A full moon bath is an excellent method to connect with lunar energy. To deepen your connection to Mama Moon, add moon water to your bath.

★ Boil your moon water for your next cup of tea to reconnect yourself from the inside out with the moon's energy.

★ Plants also like being spritzed with a touch of moon water to revive their vigor.

★ To deepen the energy cleansing of your home and altar settings, include some moon water into your cleaning solutions.

It all comes back to intention when it comes to how you use your moon water. There's no doubting that the moon brings more energy—and we may as well take use of it!


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Shop our range of crystal jewelry by clicking here.

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Crystal Shapes - What They Mean and How to Use Them

Crystal Shapes - What They Mean and How to Use Them


Crystals come in a variety of colors, patterns, sizes, and forms. It is not only the qualities of the crystals that are important, but the form of the crystal is also important.

Depending on what you want your crystal to help you with, a certain form may be preferable for you. That is why we have produced a guide that explains what the various forms stand for.


Tumblestones are ideal for carrying in a pocket or purse and are the perfect crystal shape to begin with when you are new to the world of crystals. At Jewels & Gems, we enjoy having a variety of crystals in our bags or pockets depending on the energy we feel we need that day, and tumblestone crystals are certainly popular for daily intention setting and energy work.

Points, Towers and Wands

Crystal points and towers can assist us in being intentional and directing goals and aspirations to the universe and are extremely effective when used in rituals to support the manifestation of your intentions. For this reason, we like to recommend using crystal points and towers when doing a Moon ritual.

Clusters and Geodes

A crystal cluster consists of a crystal made up of a multitude of tiny crystal formations, it is believed to hold a greater vibration than most crystal shapes. Placing a crystal cluster in your house or office allows the crystal's energy to  travel in all directions


When it comes to manifesting, the crystal pyramid is one of the most effective crystal shapes. It also aids in the purification of the energy in a space, as the energy of the crystal flows in all directions in the room due to the pointed tips. Pyramids are a lovely shape to have around the house to transmit any energy such as love or serenity (depending on the crystal's healing properties).

Raw Stones

Raw crystals are the shapes that nature has produced, and what we love about them is that each one is unique. And their spirit is raw, one-of-a-kind, and honest, just like their form.


At Jewels & Gems, we absolutely love meditating with crystal spheres as this crystal shape is known for circulating energy flow in all directions, connecting us to the energy of the universe. This is a great crystal shape to add to your collection as it is said to effectively and actively distribute the healing properties of crystals and gemstones.

Pebbles, Palmstones and Smoothstones

Crystal pebbles make an excellent stone shape for meditation and attunement practices. A way that we like to work with pebbles is by holding it in our hands during meditation or placing it on the body to allow the crystal's energetical frequency to connect with ours. 


Heart-shaped crystals symbolize love and work mainly with the heart chakra, making them ideal for healing our heart after a breakup or betrayal. The heart shape acts as a reminder that we are always surrounded by love and hold deep within the powerful ability to attract love from others or discover love for ourselves.


Eggs hold a lovely feminine vibration, also known as Yoni Eggs, they are a popular beneficial tool for reproductive health. Crystal eggs are thought to have the capacity to open unconscious energy; they assist us in becoming aware of energy imbalances or suppressed emotions, as well as in mending them. Crystal eggs can also provide us with celestial messages from our Higher selves or spirit guides.


A freeform is a piece of stone that has been carved in an irregular spherical shape; however, if a stone grows in a specific way or requires a specific sort of cut/polish, it will seem more flat, such as labradorite. Freeforms exist in a variety of sizes, and each one is distinctive in its own way, highlighting the natural beauty of any stone. Freeforms may not have a specific meaning or distinct energy output like the other shapes mentioned so far, but they nevertheless fill a space with positive feelings and beauty.

When selecting crystals, it's so important to trust your intuition and follow your gut; just ask yourself which crystal resonates with you or appeals to you? However, if you wish to gift a crystal or feel like you need more of a certain energy in your life, you may base your decision not only on the properties of the crystal but also on the meaning associated with its shape.

We hope this blogpost has helped you grasp the differences between various shapes as well as when and how you may work with your gems to add more enchantment to your daily life.


And don't forget to follow us on Instagram!

Shop our range of crystal jewelry by clicking here.

Check out our Youtube channel for more mystic related content!

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How to Work with the New Moon to Set New Intentions



At Jewels & Gems, we enjoy connecting, working with the moon and harnessing its energy. Rituals during the New or Full Moon have numerous advantages, and as the next New Moon is approaching, we'd like to offer a simple yet powerful ceremony that anybody may practice at home at the next New Moon. You will soon be able to learn more about how and why to live in sync with the moon at Jewels & Gems through our learning platform so stay tuned with us on Instagram!

Something to write on is required for a new moon ritual. However, if you wish to create and hold a more powerful ceremony, you may use tools such as crystals, incense, a notebook for journaling, and a deck of Tarot or Oracle cards. The moon is not visible in the sky during a New Moon, instead it hides to gather power to then be able to surface again as a Full Moon within a couple of weeks. During this time, we may feel empowered, full of ideas, and invigorated. As a result, it is beneficial to set fresh objectives and goals during the New Moon, which is exactly what we will do in this ceremony.

How to Go About It!

Create a safe space for you and get into a seated position, ideally somewhere you feel peaceful and secure.

Light some incense or a candle to mark the beginning of your Moon ceremony and get out a notebook for journaling. Keep some crystals close by if you have them, whichever ones that resonate with you the most at this moment in time, allow yourself to be mindful and intuitive during this time.

If you are burning incense or dried herbs, light it and cleanse the energy of your space to get rid of any stagnant bad energy and make way for the new (check out here our blogpost about how to clean the energy at home).

Setting up the mood with a good playlist can be a good idea. Here is one of our fave Spotify playlists created by Sylvana, it really holds it's name well check it out here: The Mystic Vibes Playlist.

Close your eyes and take a few deep belly breathes in and out through your nose with the crystal of your choice in your palm. Picture yourself in the present moment and let go of all that occurred earlier in the day. Go inward to find out what intention you wish to set for this New Moon, for you to hold until the next. Let go of any limiting beliefs holding you back and allow your heart to speak on its own and your intuition to be heard.

Place your crystal on a flat surface in front of you and take a moment to observe it facing you.

Take out a notebook and your favorite pen, start write down anything that comes to mind, don't be afraid to start with any thought even the most "basic" one, as you will notice that putting in to paper with allow your thoughts to unlock themselves and pour through the paper as you go along with this New Moon intention-setting journaling process.

If you wish to break the intention down into smaller steps that you can follow through over the next few weeks, feel free to keep your piece of paper or notebook near you to serve as a daily reminder of your intention until the next New Moon.

And don't forget to thank yourself and the Moon for this opportunity at the end of the ceremony.


★ Crystals that are suitable to work with for the New Moon:

Moonstone, Labradorite, Obsidian, Onyx, Selenite, Black Tourmaline

Check out our New Moon Crystal Kit here.


★ Incense and dried herbs that can be used during a New Moon ritual:

Cedar, Rosemary, Frankincense, Myrrh, Palo Santo, Sage


And don't forget to follow us on Instagram!

Shop our range of crystal jewelry by clicking here.

Check out our Youtube channel for more mystic related content!

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How to Cleanse the Energy of Your Home



Do you have a strong desire to purify the energy in your house on occasion? It might be after being unwell at home, having a few poor days, having a terrible farewell in the hall, or simply having a rough night's sleep. We understand how you feel, which is why we'd like to provide five tips for cleansing and purifying energy at home.

1- Attempt to burn dry herbs.

For centuries, people all around the world have burnt aromatic plants to cleanse bad energy. The following ten plants can be burnt to produce purifying smoke: Cedar, Yerba Santa, Rosemary, Mugwort, Juniper, Resins, Palo Santo or Sandalwood. Please be mindful of where you purchase yours from, making sure it is from ethical, sustainable sellers (or even better: grow it in your back garden and dry it yourself!)

Simply place your favorite dried herb in a fire-safe container and ignite it until you see a flame. Blow it away. The orange embers will keep burning. While spreading smoke into every nook of each area, fan the embers. If you have asthma or are sensitive to smoke, instead you can use a diffuser.

2- Start afresh in your house by setting new intentions.

Thought is followed by form. Set a definite aim for your house before you do anything else. What do you want your space to assist you in releasing? What kind of atmosphere do you want to create in your home?

"My aim is to clear toxic energy from my house so I can be focused and productive," for example, or "My intention is to release my ex's energy and feel tranquil again." Speak your intention aloud to initiate the transformations.

3- Enrich your home with the aroma of plants.

Lemon isn't the only fragrance that may instantly energize your space: other ones such as sage, lavender, or frankincense essential oils can all be effective in cleansing your space energetically.

Fill a clean spray bottle with equal parts of witch hazel and distilled water, add in around 20 drops of the essential oil of your choice, mix, and sprinkle your living environment. Alternatively, you can also go for fresh smells by placing aromatic plants in containers about your house.

4- Work with visualization.

Close your eyes and envision a bright, golden light inside your heart. As you take a deep breath in, extend that light until it is outside of your body. Spread that light throughout your home area, with the purpose of clearing all energetic congestion.

5- Arrange your crystals carefully around your home.

Crystals are earth's treasures that have a variety of helpful vibrational qualities. Black Tourmaline, Clear Quartz, Pyrite, Amethyst and Rose Quartz are wonderful crystals to display about your house for Feng Shui and an overall energetically balanced home. To find out more about the best healing crystals to have around the home, you can check out this post.


Shop our range of crystal jewelry by clicking here.

Follow us on Instagram and Youtube for more crystal related content!

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How to Work With Your Crystals and Crystal Jewelry


how to work with crystal jewelry

How to Work With Your Crystals and Crystal Jewelry

Do you have a specific goal or intention in mind at the moment that you're working on bringing to life? 

At Jewels & Gems, we absolutely love carrying crystals with us every day! We see crystal healing as a tool for empowerment and self-development, to help us reach our goals, and wearing them as jewelry is one of the most effective ways to do so. We believe that jewelry is not just a lovely accessory, but it's also a wonderful way to remind us of what we wish to manifest and being encouraged by the gemstones' healing properties throughout the day.

Are you ready to learn how your brand new crystal necklace can support you and work with you? Let's dive in!


To make it simple, an intention is a purpose or a desire that operates like a magnet, attracting everything you need to make your intention a reality. To work with your crystal jewelry in a more effective way, we suggest to program it with a goal and give it a purpose by stating what do you want assistance with at this moment in time. Whether your intention is short or long-term focused, you must remind yourself of it frequently in order for it to be clearly expressed in your life. This is why crystal jewelry can be a very potent tool to use in everyday life since it is here to remind you of your intention every time you stare at it or touch it.

To find out more about the different properties that you can focus your intention on and pick the matching crystal, you can check out this blog article.


Here is an example about how we like to work with crystal jewelry through programing:

~ The first step is to make a decision on what is most essential to you right now. What are you in desperate need of right now? Do you want to build your self-esteem, increase your love for yourself, or improve your ability to stand up for your beliefs and dreams? Take out a piece of paper and a pencil, and write down 3-5 things that are essential to you right now in your life.

~ Then, we want to take a moment to consider which aspects of our life requires improvement. Ask yourself: What do you wish to improve right now in your life? Visualize how you want your life to be and how it would feel if you had already accomplished your goal. You may go back to the points you wrote down earlier and choose a specific one to focus.

~ It's very important to be as specific as you can in this process. Pick a crystal that matches your intention and be crystal clear about your goals. Hold your piece of crystal jewelry / crystal in your hands, close your eyes to visualize and focus on your intention for a minute. To program your crystal jewelry with the intention, simply say something like: "Thank you for assisting me with what I require assistance with", and say out loud the intention you are currently holding in your mind.

With the support of your crystal jewelry and your intention, you're ready to enhance your life. We recommend to wear your jewelry frequently so that you can be reminded of your goal and benefit from its crystal healing properties. Whenever you're not wearing your crystal jewelry, be sure to cleanse and purify it in order to remove any stagnant energy it may be holding.

In this video, our founder Sylvana goes into more detail regarding how to work with your crystals and crystal jewelry:


Follow us on Instagram for additional inspiration, and you can also reach out to us there if you have any questions.

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How To Work With Gua Shas and Face Rollers

How To Work With Gua Shas and Face Rollers

Face Rollers has long been among the most popular beauty items in the last couple of years, but more and more people are realizing that the Gua Sha is also a valuable skin care product. It massages our skin more thoroughly than a face roller and is recognized for, among other things, tightening the skin. Boost circulation and give us a beautiful glow! We'll go over all that there is for you to know about our new favorite, the Gua Sha, in this post.


The only real difference between these tools is their form; otherwise, they have very comparable qualities, and which one you like to use in your skin care routine is entirely personal. What we want to emphasize is that you can work with your skin a little more "in depth" with a Gua Sha than you can with a face roller, which is designed more so to help with beauty product penetration (creams, oils, serums, etc...) With a Gua Sha, you can more easily control how gentle (or strong) you like to massage your skin, which makes it an ideal tool for those who have stiff necks since it may assist to release tension in the deeper layers.


A Gua Sha is a face instrument that massages our lymphatic system or also called lymph nodes and is also a great tool to help increase blood circulation in our skin. You can observe effects by using your Gua Sha on a daily basis, such as skin tightening, minimizing under-eye bags, and gives your skin a lovely radiance from inside out. 


~ On cleaned skin, apply a face oil, cream or serum.

~ You can start by gently drawing your Gua Sha up from the bottom of your neck, while using your empty hand to hold the skin from the area where your tool is starting to pull. Pull it down slowly your neck a few times to get the lymph nodes and blood circulation going. You should always keep the pulls light rather than strong, and increase the speed as you get going.

~ Then keep going up the face. Pull your Gua Sha up and out starting at the chin, from the center of your face towards the outer edges making sure the tool's edge is slightly sideways and not perpendicular to your face. Carry on in this upward/outward motion until you reach the temples.

~ Pull your Gua Sha up to the hairline when you reach the forehead. Always remember to work your way up and out, this is very important.

~ Finish by siding your Gua Sha down your neck; this is the only time we pull our Gua Sha down our neck, as this helps to clear / empty the lymph nodes and increase blood circulation.

~ Allow your Gua Sha to dry after cleaning it with warm water. You can use your tool every day for a few minutes! And remember: always listen to your body, and what feels right!

Please note: The Lymphatic system is part of our immune system. It can be found throughout the whole body. The way it works is that, by releasing fluids our system gets rid of unwanted particles in the body and instead, we gain a natural glow from within by stimulating our lymph nodes (which are located on the sides of the neck, among other places) using a tool such as a Gua Sha on a regular basis.


The best way to pick is by trusting your intuition as to which crystal you are drawn to.

Just to give you some insight: 

~ Rose quartz is considered the healing stone of self-love & harmony. It is also the ultimate beauty stone. The use of Rose quartz soothes the facial skin and makes it glow again. 

~ Amethyst is a healing stone that is said to bring purity for the body and soul. The use of Amethyst can help soothe irritated skin.

~ Green Aventurine is known as a stone of luck, prosperity, relaxation and optimism. It is said to help with inner balance and soothe stressed skin, redness, and skin eruptions.

For more info and guidance, we also have some video resources on Instagram, please check out the IGTV section: click here to check it out.

To explore our selection of Self-Care Tools, click here.

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How To Work With Crystal Pendulums

How To Work With Crystal Pendulums

A pendulum is a symmetrical, weighted object that is hung from a single chain or cord. It’s never made of a magnetic substance, but is often a crystal. The pendulum is a very simple tool and one that lets the user tune in to their intuition. The pendulum acts as a receiver and transmitter of information, and moves in different ways in response to questions.

Pendulums are a great tool for connecting with your intuition, energy, and the cosmos. It has the ability to provide solutions to questions that our inner self already understands but that our intellect has not yet had the opportunity to comprehend.

So, will you dare to believe in your own inner power and follow the pendulum's lead?


We often have the answer to the questions we ask ourselves and the pendulum helps us to recognize those answers with guidance from the energy in our body. For yes / no questions, it is a great tool to pick out during your rituals and practices. Pendulum dowsing can be used in a variety of different ways. In its most simple form, you can use it to answer questions or aid in decision making. 


The main criteria is that you need to start with an open mind and put any doubts to one side. Take 2-3 deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth to slow down and connect with your inner-self, your intuition.

Place your elbow on a table so that your arm and hand are kept still and stable. Hold your crystal pendulum between your thumb and forefinger, take out your Selenite, place it right underneath it, to cleanse the pendulum. Visualize the white light energy of Selenite purifying your pendulum and wait until the pendulum is completely still.

Ask your pendulum out loud or in your mind, the following question "show me a 'yes' response to your swing" so you can find out how your pendulum is moving to yes / no. It can move back and forth, in a circle or sideways. Everyone's pendulums move differently, this has to do with your own energy. Pause for a while, then try the same again asking for the pendulum to show you a NO response. Don’t worry if you can’t tell much difference from the yes and no responses yet – this is perfectly normal at first and you should get to be able to tell the difference with the more practice you get.

Hold it in your hand and set an intention or ask a question. Try to be as clear as possible and remember that yes / no questions apply. Let the pendulum guide you to your answer and trust your inner power, it is more powerful than you think!

Pendants come in lots of different crystal materials and shapes, this does not affect the properties of the pendulums, so trust yourself and pick the one that resonates with you the most.

Click here to see our selection of crystal pendulums. 

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Crystals and Minerals by Healing Properties

Crystals and Minerals by Healing Properties

You probably have noticed, but there's a whole field of unique crystals out there, each of them with its own set of properties, characteristics and energies, so deciding which one you should get for yourself isn't always as straightforward as you'd like it to be. For this reason, we are here to help you navigate the crystal world and support you as you find the ideal crystal for you.

A great way to figure that out is by taking a deep breath, close your eyes, and ask yourself the following question: What is my intention right now? What is it that I desire to bring into my life?

Give yourself a few minutes to see what key words or emotions seem to come up, always keeping it gentle and nurturing towards yourself. Based on the answers that will come, you are very welcome to use the following cheat sheet to give you some guidance on your crystal journey. 



Here are some of the best crystals to neutralize negative energies around you, in your home or by supporting you and anchoring you to be more present in your life:

∙ Apache Gold 
∙ Black Onyx
 Smoky Quartz
Black Tourmaline
Black Star Diopside
Mookaite Jasper
∙ Shungite 



Here are some of the best crystals to boost your inspiration and passion in your life or to help you find it:

∙ Opal
∙ Ruby
∙ Amber



Here are some of the best crystals to reveal your inner-fire, self-development and inner power:

∙ Opal



Here are some of the best crystals to help you bring more prosperity into your life, support you with career opportunities and achieving your dreams:

∙ Citrine
∙ Jade



Here are some of the best crystals to boost your capacity to love yourself or others, attract loving energy or heal your heart chakra:

∙ Emerald



Here are some of the best crystals to help with inner-peace and harmony, to sleep better or let go of stress and anxious thoughts:

∙ Larimar



Here are some of the best crystals to use as a tool in your meditation or to deepen your connection with the Universe and higher realms:

∙ Iolite



Here are some of the best crystals to work with for more clarity and focus in all areas in your life:

∙ Kyanite



We got you! We have the perfect solution: the Chakra Healing kit! 

This crystal kit is perfect to help you balance your mind, body, and soul, and take your life, dreams, and well-being to the next level. The energies of these 7 crystals are designed to match with the 7 chakras, helping to eliminate energy blockages and reestablish alignment. 

To find out more about our beautiful Chakra Healing crystal kit: click here.

chakra healing kit

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