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Zodiac stone: Sagittarius

Seraphinite, also known as Serafine and Serafinite, is an extremely rare gem variety of Clinochlore, a hydrous magnesium iron aluminum silicate. The name Seraphinite comes from the Greek word "seraphim", which refers to a celestial being with three pairs of wings. This could be due to the silvery feather-like chatoyant fibers that can be seen in Seraphinite.

Seraphinite is particularly attuned to the Heart Chakra, infusing the aura with vibrations of wholeness and well-being, nurturing and love, enveloping not only those who wear or carry it, but also those who behold it. Seraphinite's energies are feminine in tone, and may assist in experiencing a greater awareness of the Divine Feminine. Seraphinite assists in releasing emotional patterns and tendencies that no longer serve the soul and spirit. It brings an enlightened, joyful energy and allows one to react to life in a balanced, more harmonious way.

This stone encourages the appreciation of all that is growing - physically, emotionally or spiritually, and encourages the refinements of tenderness and care. It defines a sense of order - in life, in the universe, even in chaos - lending the understanding that one is neither helpless nor hopeless in the creation or correction of one's personal reality.

Seraphinite has only one known locality in the entire world, Russia. Russian mineralogist Nikolay Koksharov (1818-1893) is often credited with its discovery. It occurs in the Korshunovskoye iron skarn deposit in Eastern Siberia.

Seraphinite's affirmation is: Angelic energies heal and protect me.