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Mother's Day Gift Guide

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Mother’s Day is around the corner. We all perfectly know that our mothers work every day to make us happy and give us all the love that we need. Deep down we know that we should celebrate them every day, for everything they do for us, celebrate their infinite love and especially their patience.

We know that sometimes life throw us heavy barrels, but no matter how hard the blows, our mothers always share our burden, they are always there, ready to welcome us in their arms, to give us a sigh of relief. They reassure us with their positivity and convince us that everything will be fine, for the best.

For this special day we thought of creating a little guide of the perfect gift/crystal for the person that represents the world to us. A stone, ring, pendant, earrings, or bracelet, whichever item you are going to choose will make your mom happy of having received something so special and meaningful from you.


Did you know that jewellery is one of the most popular ways to display gems and crystals, and benefit from their healing and empowering qualities directly through skin contact.
Traditionally, earrings protect the mind from psychological attacks.
Necklaces and pendants shield the heart from emotional manipulation and bring love.
Bracelet or armbands reach out to attract abundance and opportunities.
Rings on any finger symbolise lasting love, friendship and heath counting in a never-ending cycle.
We selected a few stones that we think might be related to anyone in our life that takes good care of us. These stones have been selected to help with their magical properties our loved ones or ourselves.

(@Alicia Malesani)

Rose Quartz: A powerful stone of unconditional love, infinite peace, compassion and joy, Rose Quartz gently removes negative energy and replaces it with loving vibrations. It teaches you to love yourself and encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance.
All of life’s many forms of love are strengthen by powerful Rose Quartz.
A pendant or a stone cold be the perfect piece for our moms, whenever they feel a little low or overwhelmed they will need to place the rose quartz on their chest and visualise a gentle pink light filling their heart space, lifting all heaviness away.
Pink is the colour of reconciliation, happy family relationships, friendships, gentleness, kindness, young or new love and trust after betrayal.

Moonstone: Associated with the inner goddess, it is a symbol of fertility and sensuality. The Moonstone reminds us to go with the flow; it is said to help guide you in difficult times and situations. Moonstone is the stone of intuition, dreams and energy. It encourages hope, enhances feminine energies, sensitivity, and intuition. Moonstone is known to bring strong energies of abundance to one’s life.
Pearls form a connection between our body rhythms and those of the natural cycle of the moon and the seasons, this makes them very helpful for work, release burn out or stress overload. Pearls are said to attract wealth and luck as well as being a protection talisman. 
The pearl is also said to symbolize purity,  generosity, integrity, and loyalty. They have been used in various cultures to help women connect with their “inner goddesses” and promote the ultimate “feminine energy.”
White cloudy colours are considered nurturing colours, for slower new beginning, especially after loss, slower unfolding potential, protection against negativity, restoring hope, granting wishes and fulfilling dreams, discovering secrets, calling love from the past or from afar.


Ruby: Ruby is said to help the sharing of loving energy, despite past hurt. Most commonly associated with love, especially faithful passionate commitment, and helps older women to value their beauty and life experience. This gemstone is also believed to protect the wearer from negative entities that leach positive energy, promoting spiritual vitality and wellness overall.
Red is the stone of movement, courage, positive change, strength, action, determination, assertiveness, power, protecting loved ones, overcoming obstacles.

Emerald: Emerald is a crystal of the heart, alleviating heaviness in the emotional field and nourishing the aura with an energy of hope, encouragement, gentleness and abundance. It heals heartbreak and gives the strength needed to overcome the misfortunes of life, clearing away negative patterns.
Green is considered the stone of love, fidelity, commitment, beauty, environment, healing through nature, increase of health, wealth, ultimate luck bringer.

We really hope this little guide was in some ways helpful to anyone who would like to make a thoughtful present to that person that supports us no matter what or that want to treat themselves with a beautiful gemstone or piece of jewellery with meaning. 
There are many ways to show our affection and gratitude for all they do for us on a daily basis with little gestures of kindness and gratitude, so they feel appreciated and loved, and maybe why not by gifting them something special that is precious and everlasting like our love for them.