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The Crystal Oracle

Guidance The Crystal Oracle

The energy of 4 questions revealed through an intuitive crystal pull by Sylvana

Book your session here


30 minutes / 45€ / By Zoom or WhatsApp

Description: The Crystal Oracle is a crystal pull that provides you with some insight on 4 questions that you are currently asking yourself. It is a guidance to the rhythm of healing crystals, curated to reveal the energies that are being played out in these areas of your life. I created this unique reading to provide light to your reflections, bring you keys of understanding and analysis, to accompany you with kindness and compassion in the situations you are experiencing, and help you propel yourself into your choices with more confidence.



You prepare and share with me in advance a bit about your background and the 4 questions on the themes of your choice (love, friendship, family, work, etc.)

During the session, for each of your questions I will draw 4 Crystals to reveal the energies that are being played out & 1 Crystal Advisor to help you understand the answer.

At the end of the session, I will send you a photo of the crystal spread by email for you to keep forever.

Our guidance lasts about 20min.



To receive a guidance focused on one or more topics of your life, my approach is very much based on kindness, acceptance and compassion

To find serenity and move forward with more confidence in your choices

For more clarity on the overall energy of a situation you’re experiencing


FOR WHOM? (Open to any person of full age)

Anyone curious to shed new light on their lives

Anyone wishing to get some spiritual and self-empowering guidance on any aspect of their lives

Anyone looking for keys of understanding regarding a lived situation or life experience


You’re ready to start and wondering what to do next?

1/ Reserve a slot online for an appointment by phone (WhatsApp) or visio (Zoom) according to the date and time that suits you.

2/ Once you are booked in, you can send an email with your 4 questions and a little bit about you (your background), and don't forget a pen and a notebook to take notes during the session.

3/ Thanks to this empowering reading, you now have new keys and tools to move forward with confidence and serenity.

Each crystal spread is 100% personalized for a clear and precise reading of the situations you are currently experiencing.


No cancellations, no refunds: please be sure that this fully resonates with your needs at this moment in time, and that you’re ready to book before you do so.