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Sun Enters Adventurous Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

Arrow Thin Left Icon
Ruler: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Colour: Blue, Orange
General Characteristics: Extrovert, Visionary, Independent, Enthusiastic, Optimistic.
Born under a lucky star, Sagittarius is ruled by the charmed planet Jupiter. You are naturally in tune with the power of positive thinking and affirmation, always thinking that things will go well – and most often they do. Even misadventure is seen in a positive light, because you will be so excited at having experienced, and most importantly learned something new. Sagittarius’ are the least likely sign to suffer from or stay feeling low too long. Even if you stumble, your attitude may be one of curiosity, interest or excitement.



Sagittarius is the third and final Fire sign in the Zodiac and its glyph is an arrow. In astrology, arrows symbolise energy that needs to be released .

(@Marie Funseth)

You set goals that seem unrealistic to those around you, but the challenge to push yourself past limits is exciting and motivating.
Sagittarius can be cerebral, yet its symbol, the centaur, is half-horse, meaning brings it back down to earth and into balance. The human half represents the female intellect harnessing male strength. The double nature of this sign means Sagittarius can integrate both body and mind to move in unison.
How will this transition effect the other star signs?
Sagittarius is a star sign of open and positive energies, with and instinctive desire to get-away from ‘negative’, and pursue ‘positive’ for happiness and success in life.
Whatever begins and happen in your life will take us on a journey of long-term stability. Giving us something important that we need in our life, in order to look forward to the future.

(@Lisa Congdon)

If before we were feeling in the ‘dark’, we will awake and get inspired. Powerful coincidences might happen to show us the light in areas of our lives that have been ‘dead’ or ‘stagnant’. We will want to feel alive and be the best version of ourselves.
