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New Moon in Pisces 23th February 2020

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February's new moon occurs in dreamy Pisces, when we take action during this lunar phase, it's likely because it "feels" like the right thing to do and achieve our goals; something to bring you in line with your purpose, dreams and visions.


Pisces governs what's hidden, the past and endings, so we may come to learn something that was unknown to us and sheds light on something important; we may feel more to wait and set things up for the energy of the next new moon.
We have also to keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde and we can’t escape its influence and this can be a great period for a second chance. Retrogrades are times of do-overs, and with a new moon, it's an excellent opportunity to do just that. Think of something you’d like to give it another try, and see if you can manage it.
