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New Moon in Aquarius 24th January 2020

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The first New Moon of 2020 is coming into Aquarius and it is giving us the perfect blank canvas for starting something new. It’s the right time to set our intention as we refocus on what we really want. This New Moon gives us an invigorating burst of energy and initiative.


Several transformative and inspiring moments are likely to come your way.
In general, the new moon is an excellent time to set positive intentions for this new lunar cycle, start a new initiative, partnership, or create fresh goals for yourself.


January's new moon will be in the sign of Aquarius, which means it's even more likely to spark new ideas, as well as a need for reflection. This cosmic energy could prompt you into taking the action necessary to experience freedom and change in an area of life that has not felt authentic or nurturing to who you truly are.
