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This year September Full Moon will be right before the equinox.
This is the last full moon before the change of the season, transitioning from summer to autumn. This is our opportunity to “pick-up” anything that we can before entering the new season.



The singular full moon of Virgo season 2019 will rise in the skies between Sept. 13 and Sept. 14, and it's bringing with it a whole bunch of vibes: Good ones, bad ones, but undoubtedly transformative ones.

The Harvest Moon has the function of “cleaning”, so if there is something that we don’t want to bring with us in the new season, this is the perfect moment to release and let go.
It is also a time to reflect on the journey we have travelled since the June Solstice, and to think about who we were then and who we are today.


Falling in the Pisces zodiac sign, this Full Moon is sensible and we might feel a little overwhelmed by our feelings.

But don’t worry, on the other hand, the ethereal, dreamy Pisces — will inspire us to rely more on our intuition than our knowledge.

(@Sarah Mantelin)

The crystals that you might want to have with you during this Harvest Full Moon.
Smoky Quartz that protects and grounds spiritually and physically.


And Amethyst that stimulates intuition and soothes emotions.