Blue Topaz - Crystal Healing Properties, Meaning, Zodiac Signs
B L U E - T O P A Z
Birthstone: December
Zodiac stone: Sagittarius
Uses& Properties: Blue Topaz carries a beautiful energy associated with the Throat chakra, which is all about knowledge, confidence, self-expression and communication. It is said to boost its wearer's faith, while calming fears and allow divine messages and higher realms to come to you. Blue topaz also symbolizes honesty, clarity of feelings, and deep emotional attachment.
Blue Topaz promotes harmony and relaxation and can be especially helpful in healing hurt feelings and calming frayed nerves. Its comforting blue color, is said to help channel our thoughts to promote concentration and perspective. A great crystal if your job involves strong communication skills, public speaking or even for cooling down angry tempers.
Meaning: In Ancient Greece, it was said that Blue Topaz could give strength to its wearer. During the Renaissance, people believed that Blue Topaz could break magic spells.
Blue Topaz' affirmation is: "I am content in the knowledge that I am protected by the Universe."
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