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Howlite Bracelet - Jewels & Gems
Howlite Bracelet - Jewels & Gems
Howlite Bracelet - Jewels & Gems
Howlite Bracelet - Jewels & Gems

Howlite Bracelet


Extra Quality Howlite Beaded Bracelet

Measurements: Bead: 8 mm
Bracelet length: approx. 19 cm

Properties: Calming, Patience, Peace
Zodiac stone: Gemini, Virgo, Cancer
Chakra: All Chakras

About: Howlite is one of the “attunement stones” which link you to higher spiritual consciousness. A lovely protective and soothing stone that is said to reduce anxiety, tensions and stress. Howlite can be used facilitate awareness, encourage emotional expression and assist in the elimination of pain, stress and/or rage. This calming stone formulates ambitions and aids in achieving them. This crown chakra stone aids people that overthink and/or overreact and helps overcoming addictions. Howlite strengthens memory and stimulates desire for knowledge, it teaches patience. 

Why you were drawn to this crystal? If you have been stressing out, impatient or overthinking your actions and choices then Howlite is the perfect crystal for you!

How to use your bracelet: Carry your intention with you through our magical crystal bracelets! Wear your Howlite bracelet to instill some peaceful energy in your day to day life. 

NOTE! The bracelet is made of elastic threads. An elastic bracelet is exposed to greater wear as it is often worn on and off the wrist. You should never pull out the elastic thread more than necessary, nor can it withstand water, strong cold or heat. All this affects the thread and causes it to freeze or dry and become more and more brittle. It is also not a good idea to sleep with a necklace or bracelet made of elastic thread, as you are not aware of your movements in your sleep. So please take care of your bracelet, to make sure it lasts a long time.

All our crystals are ethically sourced. Our suppliers have been selected for their reliability and trustworthiness.

We cannot accept returns due to a change of heart so we encourage you to be absolutely sure before you purchase. Our photos show multiple angles of our crystals, so you can know exactly what you are purchasing. We do not exaggerate colors or remove blemishes on our photos.