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The Sagittarius Kit - Jewels & Gems
The Sagittarius Kit - Jewels & Gems
The Sagittarius Kit - Jewels & Gems
The Sagittarius Kit - Jewels & Gems

The Sagittarius Kit


This kit is perfect for Sagittarius (November 22nd -December 21st). Sagittarius is a natural-born optimist and explorer. Therefore they often thrive at challenging themselves to go outside their comfort zone. This crystal kit has been created to support you to fully embrace anything new, whether it's in the realm of experiences, learning, or relationships. 

The kit contains a linen pouch, a description card, and the following crystals:

Turquoise: It has the quality to enhance communication, instill serenity, creativity, empathy, and positive thinking. It is also a protective and purifying stone, known to bring strength. A calming stone that lifts depleted spirits and aids tranquility.

Orange Calcite: A beautiful, invigorating crystal said to stimulate our creative and sensual center. It enhances creativity and helps with emotional tension. It possesses a very gentle, healing energy to open and remove inner blockages. 

Pyrite: This crystal will boost your self-confidence, make you trust your gut feeling, and awaken your inner power when you have to make tough decisions. It enhances willpower and is also considered to be lucky, attracting abundance.

New Jade: A good luck talisman that assists to soothe the emotional body, releasing fear of change and hardship helping us to look to the future with a positive outlook. This is a crystal of change, new beginnings, success, and wisdom.

Tiger's Eye: A stone of motivation that will help you be successful and go past the doubts. It helps transform negative and toxic feelings into courage and confidence, shift your perspective so you can see the way forward, even in times of fear.

How to use your kit:  The Zodiac Kits are also great for meditation, intention-setting, creating a sacred space, and makes a wonderful gift for those new to crystals or general zodiac lovers! Start by cleansing your crystals to clear them from any unwanted energy and then take a moment to program your crystals with what you want them to help you with, based on their healing properties. Carry your crystals in your pocket or in your bag, keep them on your desk to get an extra boost of Pisces energy, wherever you are. 

⋆ All crystals come from nature and therefore vary in color, shape, and size. Small cracks can also be part of the crystal, it does not mean that it is broken as these are natural inclusions. Your crystal will be unique, just like you! All our crystals are ethically sourced. Our suppliers have been selected for their reliability and trustworthiness. No two crystals are alike, which is what makes each set special. Each crystal is picked by hand and sets are assembled with great care.

We cannot accept returns due to a change of heart so we encourage you to be absolutely sure before you purchase.