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The Self-Expression Kit - Jewels & Gems
The Self-Expression Kit - Jewels & Gems
The Self-Expression Kit - Jewels & Gems

The Self-Expression & Inner Voice Kit


This kit is perfect to support you to stand up for yourself and share your voice.

Your new mantra? I speak my truth freely and openly.

Why you were drawn to this kit? Your throat chakra is blocked! The throat chakra (also known as Vishuddha) is responsible for communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak your personal truth. When your throat chakra is blocked or misaligned, you may have issues with creativity and communication. 

The kit contains a linen pouch, a description card, and the following crystals:

Blue Apatite: Blue Apatite is associated with the throat chakra, which makes it a useful crystal for communication and self-expression. It clears away confusion or negativity and stimulates the intellect to expand knowledge and truth for personal growth or for the collective good.

Howlite: A lovely protective and soothing stone that is said to reduce anxiety, tensions, and stress. Howlite can be used to facilitate awareness, encourage emotional expression and assist in the elimination of pain, stress, and/or rage.

Blue Chalcedony: A gentle crystal that will boost your ability to communicate, and the thoughts and feelings that you receive from your higher self. This nurturing stone is an excellent emotional healing stone.

Clear Quartz: This Master healer is a high vibration stone that amplifies the positive energy of its surroundings (& other crystals). It eases changes/transitions and helps you be yourself.

How to use your kit:  Carry your Clear Quartz throughout your day to instill some positive energy but also to see things more clearly. Blue Chalcedony will support you on a day-to-day basis through the expression of your feelings and emotions. Carry Blue Apatite whenever you need a self-confidence boost while speaking or sharing thoughts/ideas. Howlite is the perfect crystal to work with for attunement through meditation or whenever you feel stressed and need to chill.

⋆ All crystals come from nature and therefore vary in color, shape, and size. Small cracks can also be part of the crystal, it does not mean that it is broken as these are natural inclusions. Your crystal will be unique, just like you! All our crystals are ethically sourced. Our suppliers have been selected for their reliability and trustworthiness.

We cannot accept returns due to a change of heart so we encourage you to be absolutely sure before you purchase.