Full Moon in Sagittarius June 17, 2019
We’re now approaching a Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 17, 2019.
This Full moon will bring to fruition what was seeded during the New Moon, so if you have gone through something challenging, as we approach the Full Moon you will understand and be thankful for the tests you were put through.
And for this magical event how can we not recommend Moonstone. Associated with the moon and feminine energy, Moonstone will guide you to tune into your natural cycles and rhythms, as well as emphasise your intuition.This stone will remind you to go with the flow and will guide you in difficult times and situations.
During this Full moon in Sagittarius you will be most likely to receive insights that reveal truths and inspire you to commit and be more active in what you want to do. So why not taking action now with the help of Pyrite! This shiny stone will help you anchor all your ideas with strategy so that they can come to life; it will encourage you to be assertive with your intentions and take considered action.
Sagittarius propels us to move forwards boldly, to explore beyond our known horizon so we may expand our life experience. You may also feel a desire to travel, change locations or expand your sphere of influence. If something new is about to happen in your life such as a new job, moving to another city, changing house etc. Labradorite is the stone that will get your back, this magical gem of the Northern Lights is a stone of protection and new beginnings; it will rise consciousness encouraging you to embrace new ideas and opportunities.
Even with the most positive attitude, this full moon can make you feel a little bit emotional; whatever feelings you’re are having, it’s more likely that you’re being a little extra about expressing them.But don’t you worry this Full Moon in Sagittarius will make you have an optimistic approach to life and you believe that things will get better and make your long term dreams come true.
©Camille Chew