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Full Moon in Gemini December 11th - 12th

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This Fool Moon on Gemini is the last one of this year, so it is time to finalise, complete and consolidate, and get ready to draw a line under the last six months.
Falling in Gemini on December 11-12th, this Full Moon is a powerful time to say goodbye to the stories of the past and to free yourself from any stresses, burdens, or anxieties that you no longer wish to carry.


While there is support from the Moon to do release work around this time, there is also a powerful vibration of healing too, which will guide us to retreat so we can feel recharged and restored.

The full moon in Gemini 2019 carries tons of emotional baggage. We might expect romantic relationships to be put to the test when it comes to trust and openness. We're not going to feel forthcoming with our emotions, and that kind of restriction and resistance to vulnerability can prove difficult if your relationship is already on shaky ground. That said, it can also lead a chance to seriously grow in your love life — relationships that can make it through this difficult point are sure to come out stronger, so decide whether it's worth it to put in work.


This phase encourages you to think outside the box and try something new, which just might lead to something brilliant.
And remember to recharge your crystals!