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Full Moon in Capricorn July 16, 2019

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The full moon in Capricorn of July 16this a moon where the emotions will be numerous and intense, however they will be locked up by the austerity and rigidity of the Capricorn. This event invites you to focus and reflect.

This full moon and lunar eclipse will ask you to analyse both your professional and you sentimental life.It is a powerful time for realising whether you need to let go of a habit, a relationship, or even the past, the moon energy is there to help you. 

(@Getty Images)


This 16th July the Full Moon in Capricorn will push us to be more determined and independent. It might be the right moment to start something new and exciting, and close with the past and everything that will not have a future in our lives.

This Full moon is not lacking in complications and conflicts. We feel tired, demotivated and disappointed; the overall atmosphere is of fatigue and gloomy thoughts. We feel like we want to differentiate ourselves, we want to be more autonomous, free to express ourselves and our talents.



Now, here are the three gemstones that will assist you during this magical event.

-Amethyst will help you quiet your mind so that you can focus on what matters.


 Clear Quartz crystal is going to help you stay on your new progressive path, without having to worry about negativity catching up with you. It's all about optimism with this crystal by your side.


While the Clear Quartz crystal helps to keep you positive, Smokey Quartz works double time to keep negative energy away from you so that you can continue to chase after your dreams and accomplish big things. Keep both crystals for optimal protection and motivation.


And don't forget to charge your crystals ;)
